Mission & Purpose

My name is Jennifer Sensiba. I’m a long-time efficient vehicle enthusiast, and an automotive journalist. After studying Journalism and History at New Mexico State University, I spent a decade doing architectural photography and website marketing work.

A few years ago, I moved back to doing journalism and blogging work with websites like CleanTechnica. But, I’m not just into electric vehicles, off-grid solar, and things like e-bikes. I’ve also always been passionate about the outdoors!

Now, I’m working on a special project to bring these two things I care deeply about together to accomplish some very important goals.

It’s obvious that Charge to the Parks aims to be a resource for EV drivers to visit the most beautiful places in the United States, but that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. By showing how it can be done and giving other EV owners the tools and knowledge needed to do it, I can help both EVs and America’s parks in some much bigger ways.

Reason #1: Busting A Big EV Myth

When I first started talking about Charge to the Parks on Facebook, some friends there who don’t own EVs started laughing at it. When I asked them why, it became clear that we have a LOT of work to do. Among other misinformation they had read, they thought it wasn’t really possible to reach the national parks in an EV.

An AP News article from March 2024 shows us that this misconception is actually hurting the whole EV industry:

“Industry analysts say most early technology adopters and people who want to cut emissions have already purchased EVs. Automakers now have to convince skeptical mainstream buyers to go electric, but those customers fear limited range and a lack of charging stations.”

This fear of not being able to get where you want to go is keeping the U.S. from reaching the tipping point other countries reached when they hit the 5% mark. So, it’s important that we show that EVs are almost always up to the task. And, what better examples can we use than national and state parks?

I’m not only going to do this, but I’m going to do it in a low-cost EV, so that people can see that you don’t have to be wealthy to drive an EV almost anywhere. Almost anyone can afford to buy a cheaper used EV (and maybe a little travel trailer) to visit these amazing places.

This is also great for the parks in the long run, as we need to encourage people to keep visiting the parks even if they switch to an EV.

A picture of a Nissan LEAF I used to own at Petrified Forest National Park in 2019.


Reason #2: To Make It Easier For Current Owners

Another important thing I can do with this project is make it easier for people who already own EVs to get out there and use them instead of using a second ICE car, renting an ICE vehicle, or otherwise not taking their EV out there. At worst, if people don’t think the trip is possible in an EV, they might just not go, and that would be terrible for the federal and state parks.

As it stands right now, manufacturers and dealers are not doing a great job of helping people figure out how to use EVs. Rental car companies are doing even worse! When people take the “Drive it until it’s low and then start looking for a charger.” approach that worked for gas and diesel cars, bad things happen that turn them off from EVs for good.

By putting the tools in people’s hands to take an EV almost anywhere without charging/range anxiety, we can make sure more EV drivers know that it’s not only possible, but often pleasant.

Reason #3: Encouraging Improvement of EV Charging Infrastructure

I don’t pretend that EVs are perfect for everyone. At present, there still are places that really suck to take an EV to. Worse, there are still some places where you can take a gas or diesel car that you basically can’t get an EV to.

While some of my trips and guides show how easy it can be, others will show where the charging industry still needs to improve. Charging is needed in many more places, and the tools people use to plan trips needs to keep improving, too.

I’m not going to stop at just raising awareness about this. I also plan to get out there and talk to rural business owners face to face and get at least some of them to add charging to the services they already offer. When they see that people are going out there in EVs and that more would come if there were charging, they’ll see that it’s a good call.

How I’m Going To Accomplish These Goals

Over the next several years, I plan to visit as many of the national and state parks as I can using lower cost EVs and pulling a small travel trailer. Along the way, I want to share what I learn and improve the travel guides on this website. I’ll also be publishing stories from my trips to other websites like CleanTechnica to spread the word!

On these trips, I’ll be working to connect rural business owners and sometimes the parks themselves with EV charging companies to help improve access. This will help not only park visitors, but the wider population of EV drivers who will pass through the areas where parks are located.

With help from EV fans, people who love national and state parks, and interested companies, I’d like to take 10+ trips per year to visit as many parks as possible.